The highly anticipated finale of the Thai drama “The Cruel Game” (วิมานสีทอง), also knows as “Wiman See Thong” is set to air on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The series follows the story of three sisters, Thathong (Jeab Pijittra), Roytong (Dearna), and Rinthong (Nana Sawanya Paisarnpayak), whose lives are turned upside down by the arrival of a mysterious stranger, Phummaret (Film-Thanapat).
The story is coming to a conclusion on Tuesday night, for the drama The Cruel Game EP.16, which is very intense in the final stretch. When all sides see the truth, that what the father generation did in the past led to the resentment of the young playboy “Film Thanapat Kawila” (Phummaret)
The golden mansion of the three sisters “Worathip family” namely “Jeab Pijittra Siriwetchapan” (Thathong), “Diana Flipo” (Roithong) and “Nana Sawanya Paisarnpayak” (Rinthong) is also ruined. According to Film’s plan, because of the jealousy of the youngest sister, the middle sister had to give an ultimatum to Film that he will choose who? And how will he solve this problem?
This time, the conclusion of all the things that everyone has been waiting for has arrived. The love and revenge of the three sisters of the Worathip family, Thathong (Jeab Pijittra Siriwetchapan), the eldest sister, Roythong (Dearna), the middle sister, and Rinthong Nana Sawanya Paisarnpayak), the youngest sister, and one man who entered to take revenge, Phummaret (Film), will end how? Follow The Cruel Game, The finale on Tuesday, March 12th at 8:30 PM on Channel ONE31.
And get ready for “War” where the weapon is “law”, the battlefield is “court” and “dignity” is at stake. See the battle of acting between Aff-Taksaorn, Chakrit Yamnam and Tri-Bhumibhatra in the drama “The Cruel Game”