South Korean drama “Goodbye Earth,” also known as “The Fool of the End,” premiered on Netflix on April 26th, 2024. The show’s release was shrouded in controversy due to lead actor Yoo Ah-in’s drug use charges.
- Tv Series: Goodbye Earth (2024)
- Also Known As (AKA): The Fool of the End, The Fool at the End of the World, Jongmalui Babo
- Country: South Korea
- Genres: Thriller, Sci-Fi, Psychological
- Director: Kim Jin-Min
- Screenwriter: Jung Sung-Joo
- Number of Episodes: 12
- Release date: Apr 26, 2024
- Aired On: Friday
- Watch On: Netflix
End-of-Times Story with Familiar Names Behind the Scenes
Set 200 days before a devastating asteroid impact, “Goodbye Earth” explores the struggles of ordinary people as they grapple with impending doom. Adapted from the Japanese novel “Shumatsu no Furu” by Kotaro Isaka, the drama is directed by Kim Jin-min, who helmed popular Netflix shows like “Extracurricular” and “My Name.” The screenplay is by Jung Sung-joo, known for his work on “Secret Love Affair” and “Heard It Through the Grapevine.”
Meet the Main Characters
- Jin Se-kyung (Ahn Eun-jin): A middle school teacher who protects endangered children.
- Ha Yoon-sang (Yoo Ah-in): Se-kyung’s lover and a researcher at a biotechnology research institute.
- Woo Sung-jae (Jeon Seong-woo): A catholic priest who cares for troubled believers.
- Kang In-a (Kim Yun-hye): A company commander responsible for supply, transportation, and maintaining order.
Editing Challenges and Director’s Confidence
The drama’s release was significantly delayed due to Yoo Ah-in’s legal troubles. Since filming was complete, replacing him or heavily editing his scenes was impractical. To address this, the production team undertook extensive re-editing and post-production to minimize the impact on the story.
The four main characters’ interconnections is a crucial element of the story. Originally, Yoo Ah-in’s character had a significant presence. As Director Kim Jin-min explained at a press conference, “We had to adjust some scenes and reduce his screen time.”
However, he emphasized, “We couldn’t completely remove him because of the friendship between the characters. We did our best to maintain a coherent story, and the editing shouldn’t hinder the viewing experience.” A Netflix spokesperson echoed this sentiment, stating, “We didn’t significantly cut his scenes. His screen time will still be substantial.”
Despite the controversy, there were no media preview screenings. The production team opted to present the show directly to viewers. The ultimate audience reaction hinges on the director’s editing skills.
Kim Jin-min expressed confidence, saying, “I already envisioned editing the beginning even before this situation arose. This (Yoo Ah-in’s situation) gave me the opportunity to implement that vision.” He concluded with a firm belief in the show’s merit, stating, “This is not an issue solely focused on one actor. It’s a drama we poured our hearts into. I believe it deserves a chance, and I stand by it without shame.”
Goodbye Earth Official Trailer Explained
In the trailer for “Goodbye Earth,” news of an asteroid hurtling towards Earth throws Korean society into chaos. The Korean Peninsula is classified as a dangerous zone, leaving citizens who failed to escape to other countries facing a devastating reality.
The trailer depicts the chaotic state of Korea: daily protests erupt on the streets, escaped criminals roam free, and fake soldier organizations threaten defenseless citizens. As darkness descends upon Ucheon City with the end approaching, curiosity grows about the fate of its inhabitants.
Meanwhile, children grapple with the horrifying reality that they’ll never reach adulthood. Ucheon City adults, including middle school teacher Se Kyung (Ahn Eun-jin) who vacationed before the apocalypse, strive to protect these vulnerable children in their own unique ways. We see Se Kyung brandishing a gun, Seong Jae (Jeon Seong-woo) offering solace as a priest, and In Ah (Kim Yoon-hye), a company commander, desperately trying to maintain order and safety for the remaining citizens.
With the tagline “TOGETHER TODY, TOMORROW, TILL THE END,” the trailer portrays the ever-looming asteroid, the rapidly ticking clock towards oblivion, and the ordinary lives of the citizens intertwined with this impending doom. We’re left wondering about the choices these characters will make and how they will spend their last moments as they face their inevitable demise.